pope anicetus artinya
- pope: kepala agama kristian; paus; sri paus; paus
- anicetus: anisetus
- anicetus bongsu antonius sinaga: anicetus bongsu antonius sinaga
- Valentinus taught first in Alexandria and went to Rome about 136, during the pontificate of Pope Hyginus, and remained until the pontificate of Pope Anicetus.
Valentinius mula-mula mengajar di Alexandria dan kemudian pergi ke Roma sekitar 136, pada masa Hyginus menjadi Paus, dan tinggal di sana hingga masa kepausan Paus Anicetus. - The date of Hegesippus is insecurely fixed by the statement of Eusebius that the death and apotheosis of Antinous (130) occurred in Hegesippus' lifetime, and that he came to Rome under Pope Anicetus and wrote in the time of Pope Eleuterus (Bishop of Rome, c.
Penetapan tarikh Hegesippus didasarkan pada pernyataan Eusebius bahwa kematian dan apotheosis Antinous (130) terjadi pada masa hidup Hegesippus, dan, menurut kutipan Hieronimus, ia tiba di Roma pada masa Paus St. Anicetus serta menulis pada zaman Paus St. Eleuterus (Uskup Roma, ~ 174–189).